Setting up Kontalk server - issues with getting it started

Hi Daniele,

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-05-03 16:58 UTC
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.0000050s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned):
Not shown: 995 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
111/tcp open rpcbind
3306/tcp open mysql
5269/tcp open xmpp-server

haven’t 5222 xmpp-client

I’m sorry @DeepChao what exactly are you talking about? Also please open a new topic to request support, thank you.

Dear daniele_athome,

05-04 09:15:02.105 18343-19399/? E/NumberValidation: validation error.
org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException$ConnectionException: The following addresses failed: ‘’ failed because failed to connect to / (port 5222) after 30000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
at org.kontalk.client.XMPPTCPConnection.connectUsingConfiguration(
at org.kontalk.client.XMPPTCPConnection.connectInternal(
at org.jivesoftware.smack.AbstractXMPPConnection.connect(
at org.kontalk.service.XMPPConnectionHelper.connectOnce(
at org.kontalk.service.XMPPConnectionHelper.connectOnce(
at org.kontalk.client.NumberValidator.initConnection(

Could you please help me know where i am doing wrong as per the above info.

thank you.

Since the topic was split, I share here the related response by @daniele_athome:

Dear daniele_athome

i Start up
root@debian:~/tigase-kontalk# scripts/ start etc/tigase.conf
Starting Tigase:
Tigase running pid=7461

this is my,and i change

S2S endpoint configuration (comment to disable XMPP federation)


# Default Kontalk configuration, fine for most configurations
# XMPP host where you're serving your Kontalk instance
# Kontalk extensions support one virtual host only for now
# Virtual hosts served by this instance (must match the above)
# Administrator JID (must be in the above domain)

# Fingerprint of the GPG server key

# The global network domain (do not change this if you want to participate in the Kontalk global network)

# Database configuration (the two db-uri parameters must be identical)

# Registration provider configuration
# Android emulator registration provider: it will emulate an SMS with the verification code
# how many seconds to wait before a user can retry registration
# the sender number of the emulated SMS
# the device ID of the emulator to send the SMS to

# Dummy provider configuration
# It will always accept 123456 as a valid verification code
# Good for a remote test server

# Endpoints configuration
# All endpoints must declare a clientCertCA pointing to a valid certificate chain file
# (any CA chain will do, it won't actually be used but Tigase won't work without it)

# Client endpoint configuration

# Websocket endpoint configuration

# BOSH endpoint configuration

# S2S endpoint configuration (comment to disable XMPP federation)

# Enabled plugins, comma-separated
# prefixed with a minus (-) means not loaded, prefixed with nothing or with a plus (+) means loaded.
# add "+kontalk:push:legacy" to enable Kontalk push notifications (external component must also be configured below)

# Comment these to revert to default logging

# External components. Do not change the default names!
# --comp-xxx parameter pairs follow a numbering order
# whenever you delete/comment or insert a component, remember to fix the numbering!!

# Network component
# enables server list commands. Particularly needed if participating in a global network

# Phone number lookup component
# enables discovery of contacts in the local/global network by their phone numbers

# External XMPP component protocol
# needed for HttpFileUploadComponent
# these must match HttpFileUploadComponent configuration


# GCM push notifications
# remember to fix --sm-plugins too (see above)

# Internal parameters
# the following properties must not be changed unless you really know what you're doing

this is android studio

05-04 17:56:43.160 24557-25784/org.kontalk.debug E/NumberValidation: validation error.
                                                                     org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException$NoResponseException: No response received within reply timeout. Timeout was 15000ms (~15s). Used filter: No filter used or filter was 'null'.
                                                                         at org.jivesoftware.smack.SynchronizationPoint.checkForResponse(
                                                                         at org.jivesoftware.smack.SynchronizationPoint.checkIfSuccessOrWait(
                                                                         at org.jivesoftware.smack.SynchronizationPoint.checkIfSuccessOrWaitOrThrow(
                                                                         at org.kontalk.client.XMPPTCPConnection.connectInternal(
                                                                         at org.jivesoftware.smack.AbstractXMPPConnection.connect(
                                                                         at org.kontalk.service.XMPPConnectionHelper.connectOnce(
                                                                         at org.kontalk.service.XMPPConnectionHelper.connectOnce(
                                                                         at org.kontalk.client.NumberValidator.initConnection(
05-04 17:56:43.210 24557-24557/org.kontalk.debug W/NumberValidator: shutting down
05-04 17:56:43.210 24557-24557/org.kontalk.debug W/NumberValidator: exiting

Thanks very much

Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'. The driver is automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class is generally unnecessary.
2017-05-04 17:40:08.592 [main]             VHostManager.setProperties()       WARNING:  {, enabled: true, anonym: false, register: true, maxusers: 0, tls: false, s2sSecret: b04bfc63-9b84-45f1-8108-3aad0dc7b37a, domainFilter: ALL, domainFilterDomains: null, c2sPortsAllowed: null, saslAllowedMechanisms: null}
2017-05-04 17:40:08.636 [main]             ClientTrustManagerFactory.loadTrustedCert()  WARNING: Can't create TrustManager with certificate from file. trusted.pem (没有那个文件或目录)
	at Method)
	at tigase.cert.CertificateUtil.loadCertificate(
	at tigase.cert.CertificateUtil.loadCertificate(
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientTrustManagerFactory.loadTrustedCert(
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientTrustManagerFactory.setProperties(
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientConnectionManager.setProperties(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.itemUpdated(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.itemUpdated(
	at tigase.conf.ConfigurationCache.addItem(
	at tigase.conf.ConfigurationCache.putProperties(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.setup(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.server.AbstractComponentRegistrator.addComponent(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.addComponent(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.addRouter(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.setProperties(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.setup(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.server.AbstractComponentRegistrator.addComponent(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.addRegistrator(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.setConfig(
	at tigase.server.XMPPServer.start(
	at tigase.server.XMPPServer.main(
java.lang.RuntimeException: trusted.pem (没有那个文件或目录)
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientTrustManagerFactory.loadTrustedCert(
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientTrustManagerFactory.setProperties(
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientConnectionManager.setProperties(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.itemUpdated(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.itemUpdated(
	at tigase.conf.ConfigurationCache.addItem(
	at tigase.conf.ConfigurationCache.putProperties(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.setup(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.server.AbstractComponentRegistrator.addComponent(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.addComponent(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.addRouter(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.setProperties(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.setup(
	at tigase.conf.ConfiguratorAbstract.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.conf.Configurator.componentAdded(
	at tigase.server.AbstractComponentRegistrator.addComponent(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.addRegistrator(
	at tigase.server.MessageRouter.setConfig(
	at tigase.server.XMPPServer.start(
	at tigase.server.XMPPServer.main(
Caused by: trusted.pem (没有那个文件或目录)
	at Method)
	at tigase.cert.CertificateUtil.loadCertificate(
	at tigase.cert.CertificateUtil.loadCertificate(
	at tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientTrustManagerFactory.loadTrustedCert(
	... 23 more
Loading component: eventbus :: componentInfo{Title=Tigase XMPP Server, Version=7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03), Class=tigase.disteventbus.component.EventBusComponent}
2017-05-04 17:40:08.667 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  ext last_minute_packets_limit = 26214400
2017-05-04 17:40:08.667 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  ext total_packets_limit = 0
2017-05-04 17:40:08.668 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  ext last_minute_bin_limit = 20971520000
2017-05-04 17:40:08.668 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  ext total_bin_limit = 0
Loading component: ext :: componentInfo{Title=Tigase XMPP Server, Version=7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03), Class=tigase.server.ext.ComponentProtocol}
2017-05-04 17:40:08.796 [main]             ConfigRepository.setProperties()   WARNING:  Items list is not set in the configuration file!!
2017-05-04 17:40:08.856 [main]             MonitorComponent.setProperties()   WARNING:  Monitoring Tasks: {} with items: {}
Loading component: monitor :: componentInfo{Title=Tigase XMPP Server, Version=7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03), Class=tigase.monitor.MonitorComponent}
Loading component: multicast :: componentInfo{Class=org.kontalk.xmppserver.ExtendedAddressing}
Loading component: network :: componentInfo{Class=org.kontalk.xmppserver.NetworkComponent}
Loading component: probe :: componentInfo{Class=org.kontalk.xmppserver.probe.ProbeComponent}
2017-05-04 17:40:09.081 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  s2s last_minute_packets_limit = 15360
2017-05-04 17:40:09.081 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  s2s total_packets_limit = 0
2017-05-04 17:40:09.081 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  s2s last_minute_bin_limit = 125829120
2017-05-04 17:40:09.081 [main]             ConnectionManager.setProperties()  WARNING:  s2s total_bin_limit = 0
Loading component: s2s :: componentInfo{Title=Tigase XMPP Server, Version=7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03), Class=tigase.server.xmppserver.S2SConnectionManager}
2017-05-04 17:40:09.265 [main]             DNSResolver.<clinit>()             WARNING:  Resolving default host name: debian took: 1
Loading plugin: session-close=16:291 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: session-open=8:582 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: default-handler=16:291 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl=16:291 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: jabber:iq:roster=16:291 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: jabber:iq:version=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: starttls=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: vcard-temp=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: jabber:iq:private=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: urn:xmpp:ping=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: presence-state=16:291 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: presence-subscription=16:291 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: disco=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: zlib=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: vcard-xep-0292=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: urn:xmpp:time=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: message=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: msgoffline2=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: kontalk:jabber:iq:register=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: kontalk:jabber:iq:roster=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: urn:xmpp:pubkey:2=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: kontalk:urn:xmpp:blocking=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: kontalk:urn:xmpp:csi:0=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading plugin: kontalk:jabber:iq:last=4:1165 ... 	, version: 7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03)
Loading component: sess-man :: componentInfo{Title=Tigase XMPP Server, Version=7.1.0-b59/48c47302 (2017-05-04/10:07:03), Class=tigase.server.xmppsession.SessionManager}
2017-05-04 17:40:10.147 [main]            WARNING:  Dumping server configuration to: etc/
== Thu May 04 17:40:10 UTC 2017 Server finished starting up and (if there wasn't any error) is ready to use

2017-05-04 17:55:58.366 [ConnectionOpenThread]  SocketThread.<clinit>()       WARNING:  17 socketReadThreads started.
2017-05-04 17:55:58.370 [ConnectionOpenThread]  SocketThread.<clinit>()       WARNING:  17 socketWriteThreads started.

These are the ports for server-to-server connections. You’re using the same ports in client-to-server too, this can’t work. Decide which ports to use for one and what ports to use for the other. Usually the default values are fine.

The log also notifies you of a missing trusted.pem file in tigase-kontalk. Please copy a certification authority you have (use your CA if you have one) into a PEM file named trusted.pem. It isn’t really used, it’s just to make Tigase work (WIP on that with the Tigase team).

A post was merged into an existing topic: Running Kontalk Server on Ubuntu - Warning connection is not validated

Hi @DeepChao Are you solving your problem ?
Not shown: 995 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
111/tcp open rpcbind
3306/tcp open mysql
5269/tcp open xmpp-server

haven’t 5222 xmpp-client
I have the same one , can any help

@daniele_athome Hi, I followed all instructions to build kontalk server , so how can i verify the server is running well?
thanks in advance.

Hello @jedo,
things have changed a bit in the last couple of months. We switched to Docker.

I don’t know if you followed that or you did a manual installation.

@daniele_athome Thanks for replay , I have followed a manual instalation in github
what i must do in this case?

Manual installation is no longer supported. It depends on too many variables and it’s hard to figure out problems because it’s very dependant on your system configuration. Please switch to the Docker environment where we can help you out. It is very easy, if you didn’t register any user accounts there isn’t even need to migrate the database. It takes a few seconds to configure and a few minutes to build and start.

Let me know how it goes, we’ll improve our documentation on the Docker environment based on your feedback, if needed.

@daniele_athome Hi , How can i verify kontalk server is running correctly and is ready to connect with the client.

Building the image can take some time. You can watch details about the build by activating the debug mode (so we can inspect any issue easily):

DEBUG=1 ./launcher bootstrap

@daniele_athome Hi , How can i verify kontalk server is running correctly and is ready to connect with the client.

I guess you passed that previous issue about building the image.

You can launch:

./launcher logs

to view logs for all 3 containers. If everything is fine you should be able to try a registration via the Kontalk app by make it connect to your server (Kontalk settings > Manual server address). Alternatively (but it’s not a comprehensive test) you may connect to port 5222 of your server and talk to the server by using XMPP directly.