I’ve published a quick and dirty F-Droid repository where I’ll be uploading all versions of Kontalk for the “basic” version (I still have to find a way to publish both versions - if it’s even possible, I’ll keep you updated here).
Packages are signed with the Google Play key so they’re not compatible with the F-Droid official build - that is, you can’t update the F-Droid version with these ones.
This is for the impatients who doesn’t want to wait for F-Droid to update their repo
Ah! I see it now…, sorry, I understood it completely wrong . Within F-Droid I added the link to the sources, or repositories. So far so good. Now waiting for the update of Kontalk which still has not arrived. Or should I remove the “old” Kontalk first to make the way for the newly added repository free?
Understood. I replaced the “old” Kontalk" by the repo version, it went smooth. Thank you, also for your patience! It was my first time that I used the F-Droid possibility of adding repositories.