Hi there!
I’m trying to set up my local Kontalk server. I have used the docker images (following the instructions here: github kontalk/xmppserver-docker) , and apparently it went fine:
I have used the default values in kontalk-setup. That’s where my first couple of question arises:
do I have to change the XMPP service name and use my own server’s IP address instead of prime.kontalk.net? (tried that to no avail, but I want to be sure
I can see in the client that the default port is 5999, but according to nmap my local server is listening on
5222/tcp open xmpp-client
5269/tcp open xmpp-server
Which one should I use to connect to my local server? (tried both of them, to no avail O:)
I installed the Android client of Kontalk, created an account and validated it (introducing the registration code that I got via SMS). Then, I exported my credentials (because I want to import them in the Java client).
Then I downloaded the (Java) desktop client, KontalkDesktop-3.1.2 and launched it. Then, I imported my key. So far, so good. The client automatically connects to the default server beta.kontalk.net:5999
But now, how do I connect to my local server? If I change the name of the server to my IP address (I tried both my internal IP address and the loopback and port (I tried 5222 and 5269), the connection fails:
(I checked out -disabled- the “Disable certificate validation” checkbox)
( --> Error: The server does not respond
In the console: “org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$StreamErrorException: host-unknown You can read more about the meaning of this stream error at rfcs/rfc6120.html#streams-error-conditions”
( --> The server does not respond
In the console: “org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$StreamErrorException: host-unknown You can read more about the meaning of this stream error at rfcs/rfc6120.html#streams-error-conditions”
If I change local.properties XMPP_SERVICE to localhost:
execute ./launcher rebuild and try again I obtain different errors:
(localhost:5222) --> Can’t login to server. The server rejects the account. Is the specified server correct and the account valid?
And in console: “WARNING: can’t login on localhost
org.jivesoftware.smack.sasl.SASLErrorException: SASLError using EXTERNAL: invalid-authzid”
(localhost:5269) WARNING: can’t connect to localhost
org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException$NoResponseException: No response received within reply timeout. Timeout was 5000ms (~5s). Used filter: No filter used or filter was ‘null’.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!