Problema con la clave de kontalk, Problem with the personal key after reinstall kontalk

Hola a todos, ya hace casi 3 años llevo usando Kontalk y he logrado que gran parte de mi família lo haga.
Reciente mente he tenido un problema uno de mis familiares tenía problemas con su clave personal ya que a los demás nos decía que su clave no podía ser verificada. Lo que hice fué reinstalar kontalk, al hacerlo me decía que ya existía el registro y que por lo tanto si continuaba desactivaría la clave anterior (que era lo que yo pretendía), sin embargo al registrar nuevamente el número me da un error: "Error de Autenticación. La autenticación con un servidor de kontalk falló la última vez que intentamos conectar. podría ser un fallo temporal del servidor o, mas probablemente, que el servidor esté rechazando tu clave personal. Te recomendamos borrar tu cuenta de kontalk desde las preferencias del sistema Android y que te registres de nuevo (lamentablemente haciendo esto perderás todos tus mensajes de kontalk). el caso es que al borrar la cuenta y registrar nuevamente el error vuelve a aparecer nuevamente, una y otra vez (4 veces seguidas) es por eso que recurro a este foro en busca de su ayuda.
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Hello To all, already does almost 3 years carry using *Kontalk and have attained that big part of my *family do it.
Recent mind have had a problem one of my familiar had problems with his personal key since to the other said us that his key could not be verified. What did reinstall *kontalk, when doing it said me that it already existed the register and that therefore if it continued deactivate the previous key (that it was what I pretended), however when registering again the number gives me an error: "Error of *Authentication. The *authentication with a server of *kontalk failed the last time that try to connect. It could be a temporary failure of the server or, but probably, that the server was refusing your personal key. We recommend you erase your account of *kontalk from the preferences of the system *Android and that register you again (lamentably doing this will lose all your messages of *kontalk). The case is that when erasing the account and register again the error goes back to appear again, one and again (4 times followed) that’s why I resort to this forum in search of his help.
Thank you

please try to force stop the application before registering again (or better, uninstall and reinstall).