Problem migrating account and also after new registration on new phone

I tried several times to migrate my wife Kontalk app to her new smartphone but still does not work.

I’m using the last version downloaded from FDroid on both phones, I first tried migrating using the oandbackup app, but I was not able to restore the app and the data on the new phone

Later I tried to install and re-register my wife account, all goes well (new registration, I get the code via SMS, code verified) but at the end the app always restarts from the new registration page and I’m not able to send or receive new invitations

If I try to connect to that account from my (working) kontalk instance, I see “pending invitation”, I can send messages (held on the server) but my wife kontalk instance is always stuck with the registration dialog (after the above described successfil registration)

any hint please?

later I’ll be able to see the phone logs if needed


As far as I am aware, for security reasons Kontalk does not allow using data from other devices. Either that or it’s not compatible, I’m frankly not sure.

Either way, I suggest to delete cache and app data from the system settings, and then trying to vonnect to the account, either by logging in or creating a new one.

If that still doesn’t work, the device and android versions woukd be helpful.

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