[BETA] Registration powered by JMP.chat - help us test it!

Version 239 is live on Google Play and I’ve updated the links in the first post. It includes bugfixes but not in the registration part.

I want to apologize to F-Droid users because you won’t see a beta for this release. Releasing a beta on F-Droid requires me to create a release tag, which I don’t want to do because this is a “special beta” for internal testing only. Besides, releasing a beta just for updating it would mean that you couldn’t try the new registration method without deleting your account, so the need for a different apk/application id.

Here are the strings for zh-CN:

  • SMS code delivery: “Your Kontalk verify code: [code]”
    –SMS code delivery: “您的 Kontalk 验证码:[code]”
  • call code delivery: “Your Kontalk verification code is [code]”
    –call code delivery: “您的 Kontalk 验证码是 [code]”
  • call code expiry: “Your Kontalk verification code has expired. Please try again.”
    –call code expiry: “您的 Kontalk 验证码已过期,请重试。”
  • call error (rare): “Your Kontalk code is unavailable. Please try again.”
    –call error (rare): “您的 Kontalk 验证码不可用。请重试。”

Hi @ossgy are you still here?

I have just created a new Kontalk account.
The spoken verification code is still not german for a german phonenumber?

What happens?

Still thank you again for supporting Kontalk :+1:

My apologies - I have not had a chance to integrate the contributed translations into the verification engine yet. I hope to do so soon, but don’t have a specific timeline yet. Happy to answer any questions in the meantime!

Thank you for your answer.

It would be great if you find time to implement the translations.

Kontalk is a small but international project :grinning:

It is a great thing to help. Especially when you sponsor a feature that costs money and does something for free for the community.
please accept my congratulations.
of course i will take a look at your service.
Merry Christmas.

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